Lifestyle Lender Course Schedules

Click on each date below to view the detailed schedule:

Starting August 5, 2024

Two weeks are allocated for each Module.

Kickoff webinar featuring Dr. Dave Kohl: Aug. 8

Aug. 5 - Aug. 16

Module 1: Lending to Lifestyle Borrowers: Eligibility, Scope of Lending, and Customer Knowledge

Aug. 19 - Aug. 30

Module 2: Lifestyle Portfolio Segmentation and Layering of Risk

Sep. 2 - Sep. 13

Module 3: Small Loan Analysis & Credit Evaluation

Sep. 16 - Sep. 27

Module 4: Tax Return Analysis

Sep. 30 - Oct. 4

Break Week

Oct. 7 - Oct. 9

Halftime Training Session (Charlotte, NC)

Oct. 14 - Oct. 25

Module 5: Legal Basics 

Oct. 28 - Nov. 8

Module 6: Technology, Alliances in Marketing & Loan Pricing

Nov. 11 - Nov. 22

Module 7: Sales & Marketing: Successful Selling

Nov. 25 - Dec. 6

Module 8: Sales & Marketing: Strategic Prospecting

Dec. 9 - Dec. 20

Module 9: Sales & Marketing: Call Preparation

Dec. 23 - Dec. 27: Break for Holidays

Dec. 30 - Jan. 10

Module 10: Sales & Marketing: Sales Process

Feb. 7, 2025

Final Case Study Due- 4 weeks to complete

Starting February 24, 2025

Two weeks are allocated for each Module.

Kickoff webinar featuring Dr. Dave Kohl: TBD

Feb. 24 - Mar. 7

Module 1: Lending to Lifestyle Borrowers: Eligibility, Scope of Lending, and Customer Knowledge

Mar. 10 - Mar. 21

Module 2: Lifestyle Portfolio Segmentation and Layering of Risk

Mar. 24 - Apr. 4

Module 3: Small Loan Analysis & Credit Evaluation

Apr. 7 - Apr. 18

Module 4: Tax Return Analysis

Apr. 21 - May 2

Module 5: Legal Basics 

May 5 - May 7

Halftime Training Session (Charlotte, NC)

May 12 - May 16

Break Week

May 19 - May 30

Module 6: Technology, Alliances in Marketing & Loan Pricing

Jun. 2 - Jun. 13

Module 7: Sales & Marketing: Successful Selling

Jun. 16 - Jun. 27

Module 8: Sales & Marketing: Strategic Prospecting

Jun. 30 - Jul. 11

Module 9: Sales & Marketing: Call Preparation

Jul. 14 - Jul. 25

Module 10: Sales & Marketing: Sales Process

Aug. 22, 2024

Final Case Study Due - 4 weeks to complete

Starting August 18, 2025

Two weeks are allocated for each Module.

Kickoff webinar featuring Dr. Dave Kohl: TBD

Aug. 18 - Aug. 29

Module 1: Lending to Lifestyle Borrowers: Eligibility, Scope of Lending, and Customer Knowledge

Sep. 1 - Sep. 12

Module 2: Lifestyle Portfolio Segmentation and Layering of Risk

Sep. 15 - Sep. 26

Module 3: Small Loan Analysis & Credit Evaluation

Sep. 29 - Oct. 10

Module 4: Tax Return Analysis

Oct. 13 - Oct. 17

Break Week

Oct. 20 - Oct. 22

Halftime Training Session (Charlotte, NC)

Oct. 27 - Nov. 7

Module 5: Legal Basics 

Nov. 10 - Nov. 21

Module 6: Technology, Alliances in Marketing & Loan Pricing

Nov. 24 - Dec. 5

Module 7: Sales & Marketing: Successful Selling

Dec. 8 - Dec. 19

Module 8: Sales & Marketing: Strategic Prospecting

Dec. 23 - Dec. 27: Break for Holidays

Dec. 29 - Jan. 9

Module 9: Sales & Marketing: Call Preparation

Jan. 12 - Jan. 23

Module 10: Sales & Marketing: Sales Process

Feb. 20, 2026

Final Case Study Due- 4 weeks to complete